dynamic routing protocol

美 [daɪˈnæmɪk ˈraʊtɪŋ ˈproʊtəkɑːl]英 [daɪˈnæmɪk ˈraʊtɪŋ ˈprəʊtəkɒl]
  • 网络动态路由协议;动态路由选择协议;动态路由协定
dynamic routing protocoldynamic routing protocol
  1. Large scale networks dynamic routing protocol based on aggregation tree model


  2. Static routing shall be designated without using dynamic routing protocol .


  3. Study and implementation of dynamic routing protocol for Ad-hoc networks


  4. A Dynamic Routing Protocol in a Kind of Special-Purpose Network


  5. The usual means include running dynamic routing protocol or configuring static default route .


  6. OSPF ( open shortest path first ) is a widely used dynamic routing protocol in IP networks .


  7. Based on the analysis of existing routing protocols , a dynamic routing protocol in a kind of special-purpose network is presented .


  8. Dynamic routing protocol is the ability to update routing table of routing devices automatically over Internetand keep the network expedite .


  9. Integrated the present net construction model , it put forward the means of building and optimize OSPF and BGP Routing protocol on the basis of analyzing usual dynamic Routing Protocol .


  10. OSPF is a dynamic routing protocol put forward by IETF ( internet engineering task force ) in 1988.lt is based on the link status algorithm and used in AS .


  11. The OSPF protocol is a dynamic routing protocol , which uses of the link state database to maintain and calculate routings . Its routing algorithm is the most important part .


  12. Comparing with the known routing with flood searching , the dynamic routing protocol and algorithm is better than it in average probability , overhead cost and the length of the routing table .


  13. Secondly , we investigate how to arrange dynamic routing protocol in IP man , analysis a variety of routing protocols such as BGP , OSPF and deploy different routing protocols depend on the network structure of IP man .


  14. It is a new version of dynamic routing protocol , which is root in OSPF . Although the basic mechanism is same to OSPF , such as flooding 、 DR election 、 area support , and so on .


  15. This article briefly discusses the technical problems of IP ? ATM and IP over ATM , Pointing out that the essence of MPLS is the integration of IP dynamic routing protocol and the second layer of ATM exchange . It also explains the technical superiority of MPLS .


  16. This thesis is started with the introduction on the base of laying structure of Open Shortest Pass First ( OSPF ) dynamic routing protocol , and then focused on the Shortest Pass First ( SPF ) arithmetic and routing table calculation technique that is used in OSPF .


  17. This article provides a novel dynamic multi-path routing protocol .


  18. KTR is a dynamic wireless routing protocol based on the tree structure .


  19. Dynamic Multi-path Routing Protocol for LEO / MEO Satellite Networks


  20. Ad hoc can access to the Internet by expanding Dynamic Source Routing protocol ( DSR ) .


  21. At last , the paper makes a preliminary study on the QoS ( Quality of Service ) dynamic source routing protocol based on genetic algorithm .


  22. A Performance - Dynamic Source Routing protocol ( PDSR ) is proposed in this paper , which uses link state information and node state information to improve on the performance of DSR .


  23. The results of simulation experiment show that the unreliable transmission path rate of the CCR becomes better than that of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol ( DSR ) with the increase of the network scale .


  24. We simulated the two improved algorithm using the network simulation software OPNET , the result proved that both of them performed better than the dynamic source routing protocol from the aspect of average end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio .


  25. The Dynamic Source Routing protocol ( DSR ) is a simple and efficient routing protocol designed specifically for multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks of mobile nodes . The protocol makes all nodes in Ad hoc networks be able to communicate with each other .


  26. Multi-path adaptive dynamic resource reservation routing protocol for ad hoc networks


  27. Due to the topology of MANET is dynamic , conventional routing protocol cannot adapt well to such an environment .


  28. Dynamic anchor-based voronoi routing protocol for mobile wireless sensor networks ( AVRP ) .


  29. DSR ( Dynamic Source Routing ) protocol is a representative of on-demand Ad Hoc routing protocols .


  30. Different information need different QOS requirement . Thus we suggest a dynamic link parameter based routing protocol M-QOS , which selects route based on the information types .
